The Problem of Youth is increasing in Korea

Do you know why is problem thought Korea is well-developed country

It’s memorable Saturday

🌧️ Cloudy High 32C and Low 25C

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👀 Today’s email about:

Today we found these 2 crucial issues here:

  • South Korea, US and Britain issue joint advisory on NK cyber group activities

  • The Problem of Youth is increasing in Korea


Korea, US and Britain issue joint advisory on NK cyber group activities

South Korea, the U.S., and the UK have issued a joint advisory against the North Korean cyber group Andariel, which targets classified information in defense, aerospace, nuclear, and engineering sectors to enhance North Korea's military capabilities. The advisory, issued by agencies like South Korea's National Intelligence Service and the U.S. National Security Agency, notes that Andariel has evolved from destructive attacks to specialized cyber espionage and ransomware operations.

Andariel exploits software vulnerabilities to access systems, using malware and phishing to steal information. The advisory urges critical infrastructure to strengthen cybersecurity. Additionally, Andariel funds its operations through ransomware attacks on U.S. healthcare entities. The U.S. State Department has offered a reward for information on Rim Jong-hyok, associated with Andariel, which has attacked U.S. healthcare providers, defense contractors, Air Force bases, and NASA. Last year, Andariel also stole data from South Korean defense firms and extorted significant sums via ransomware.

The Problem of Youth is increasing in Korea

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in South Korea has launched a pilot project to support isolated and reclusive youth. This initiative, started in March, includes diagnosing isolation levels, providing counseling, healing, education, and restoring family relationships through 12 youth support centers.

By June, 117 teenagers were registered for support. Examples include a 19-year-old who began engaging in daily activities and a 14-year-old receiving counseling to address family conflicts from school violence.

Initiatives include an online night counseling room in South Gyeongsang Province and participation programs in Seoul's Songpa District. A survey from June 11 to July 31 aims to understand isolated youths' needs for better policy support. Vice Minister Shin Young-sook highlighted the government's commitment to creating a robust social support system.


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